Creating a New Layer

You can add a layer to your image by right clicking on the header bar at the top of your open image (the bar where the name of your photo appears) and choosing Add Layer.  You can also choose Add Layer from Layers under the Image menu, or by clicking on the Layers button in the Wizard Panel. You can add up to 20 layers.

You will be prompted to name your new Layer.

Create a name for your new layer

If you check Add Text as a Floating Object, your text will be laid over the image in a flaoting state that allows you to keep moving it, or re-opening it for editing, as long as you like, even after you have added other objects to the layer.

When you add a new layer, a Layer Tab appears in the header bar of your image window.

Each layer has its own Layer Tab

The bottom layer is always called the Background Layer and it cannot be renamed, deleted, or moved within the layer stack. It also cannot have floating layer objects, or have its opacity adjusted.